DDReg pharma

DDReg Pharma


Pharmacovigilance Services in DDregpharma

Pharmacovigilance Services at DDReg: Our commitment towards Patient Safety

An important aspect of patient safety is Pharmacovigilance, that is the science and activities relating to the Detection, Assessment, Understanding, and Prevention of adverse effects or any other medicine-related problems. As an end-to-end pharmacovigilance service provider, DDReg is a key stakeholder in the drug safety spectrum and is committed to ensure utmost patient safety. Our […]

Pharmacovigilance Services at DDReg: Our commitment towards Patient Safety Read More »

Quality Management Maturity Program

Quality Management Maturity Program by the CDER of the U.S. FDA

The pharmaceutical industry is one that is constantly growing and simultaneously facing challenges in Quality Management Maturity Program in US FDA. The onset of the pandemic has brought new obstacles that require immediate attention and innovative solutions. Quality assurance (QA) is a routine measure that ultimately ensures patient safety by making sure all pharmaceutical products

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QPPV Training in pharmacovigilance

Why QPPV Training is the Key to Pharmacovigilance Success?

Drug safety is all about the right patient receiving the right drug at the right time for an improved outcome for each patient. To achieve this, a Qualified Person Responsible for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV) Training is held responsible for the pharmacovigilance services management of the quality of a pharmaceutical company. This could be a person who

Why QPPV Training is the Key to Pharmacovigilance Success? Read More »