DDReg pharma


DDReg Exhibits at DIA Europe 2023 in Basel, Switzerland

DIA Europe
The European Union has seen some major changes and advances in Regulatory & Healthcare Policies and strategies- a key one being the “Regulatory Science to 2025” strategy to enhance EMA’s engagement with regulatory science. The need for proactive participation in such initiatives is important to support the strengthening of regulatory systems and facilitate innovation in medicine for patient safety.
DDReg was pleased to have been present and exhibiting at the DIA Europe 2023 congress in Basel, Switzerland. Coincidentally, this year marked the 35th anniversary of DIA and brought together over 1700 attendees including key stakeholders from the industry to converse about trends and advances for better healthcare. Some of the key topics covered were Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, EU Health Policy & Regulatory Strategy, Medical Device and Combination Products, and even Professional Development.
The Business Development team at DDReg engaged in insightful conversations and apprised attendees of the developments they have been making to advance regulatory affairs for better market access. These include regulatory intelligence, regulatory strategies, feasibility studies, life cycle management and technology enabled platforms to help generate better data for faster market access to safe, efficacious, and high-quality pharmaceutical products.