DDReg pharma


DDReg Features in BioPharma Dive: At the Forefront of Biotech and Pharma

Join DDReg at the Biotech Beach of the world! Meet the team at the BIO International Convention and DIA Global Annual Meeting to discuss clinical, regulatory, and safety requirements. 

San Diego, often known as the “Biotech Beach,” has been a thriving center for biotech for several reasons. Its coastal location and the presence of numerous biotech companies and research institutes create an ecosystem that fosters innovation. This environment attracts both industry leaders and startups, leading to a vibrant community.

San Diego’s combination of infrastructure, business expertise, and scientific knowledge makes it an ideal place for biotech companies to thrive. Hosting two major industry tradeshows, the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) Convention and the Drug Information Association (DIA) Global Annual Meeting in June 2024, further enhances this environment. These events offer a valuable platform for global stakeholders and leaders to network, share advancements, and build relationships crucial for the biotech and pharmaceutical sectors.

DDReg is excited to announce its participation as an exhibitor at BIO and DIA Global 2024, offering tailored clinical, regulatory, and safety solutions to biotech and pharmaceutical firms.  Read more about it on BioPharma Dive: DDReg in San Diego: At the Forefront of Biotech and Pharma | BioPharma Dive

Schedule a meeting with the team at BIO here: Let’s Meet at BIO International Convention 2024 in San Diego (ddregpharma.com)

Schedule a meeting with the team at DIA here: Let’s meet at DIA Global 2024 Conference in San Diego (ddregpharma.com)